or Call us, and leave a message at 941-238-8617 or 941-915-7208.
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Hydro Harvest Farms Famous
Ruskin's Finest
Summer Tomato
This delicious dressing can be used on your salads, as a marinade, brush on fresh grilled seafood, chops, chicken, beef.
So many ways to spice and flavor up your meals
It will be your secret to BBQ success.
Shipping only at this time
3 bottles includes shipping
Order Below
For Larger Orders, Please Call For Pricing.
Best Dressing EVER!
Farm to Table
Do you know what food is the tastiest, freshest, and most nutritious? It is the food you pick. We have taken the farm stand to the highest level of the meaning of fresh. Bring the family and enjoy picking todays meal. We always have a large assortment of vegetables and fruits. We use NO pesticides, and NO GMO seeds. Picking food at our farm is fun and easy. There is no bending, no dirt and we are wheel chair friendly. So, grab the kids and head on down to the farm! We are open just about everyday of the year and have many free events.
For the most up to date list of what’s growing and picking, what’s happening and free classes, sign up for the farm newsletter. See Above Link for Signing Up
Teachers, Community Leaders, Restaurant Owners It's never too late to start a garden. Think of the possibilities! Give us a call or stop by the farm. We can design a hydroponic garden to fit your needs.
If you are ready to garden the Hydro Harvest way, but don't have the cash, just sign up for our 6 months same as cash on PayPal Bill Me Later button below. It's easy and quick. If you would like to pick the garden up at the farm and use Bill me Later, sign up for it through Paypal and come to the farm and purchase what you want and pay for it at the farm through Paypal.